Auto Upgradation in Train ticket Booking
While booking train tickets, you would have notices a “consider for auto upgradation” check box in the reservation form - both in online as well as on the manual paper reservation forms.
If you've opted for the 'auto upgradation', your wait-listed ticket is considered for “auto upgradation” to the next available upper class seat (if the upper class is under booked). The good news is, you'll not be paying any additional fare for the upgrade. It's free!
How does Railways benefit from this scheme? Well, they are accommodating more 'paying' passengers in the lower class , equal in number of the otherwise un-booked seats of higher classes.
Of course there are a few other conditions.
The catch is only the full fare paid ( concession fare paid passengers not considered) WL passengers are considered for upgradation.
Next time, just check this box while reserving ticket through IRCTC or any other modes in the train.
By the way you can check online Upgraded Passenger List status at the Indian Railways website