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PNR Status

Indian Railways provide a number of ways to enquire the PNR status. You can check PNR using telephone , SMS and also from the Indian Railways' web site. Of course you can directly approach one of the reservation offices to find it from their enquiry counter. Some stations even have the kiosks that you can operate to find the PNR status.

PNR status by SMS:


epending on your requirements and convenience there are a few method to check the PNR status using SMS from your mobile phone.

Indian Railways have tie up with many mobile operators in India to provide the service. SMS charges varies according to the service you select.

For eaxample if you are interested in getting a PNR status update at regular intervals use the number 7245. You've to first register your 10 digit PNR by sending an SMS.

Send your PNR number as an SMS message to 7245. The message format is PNR 1231234567. That is 3 letters PNR followed by a space followed by the 10 digit PNR.

Once registered successfully, you'll receive regular updates on your PNR status . The intervals at which such alerts are send depends on a number of factors such as the date of journey, time of departure, status of the reservation etc. Anyway there is a standard defined interval for this type of alert.

For one time status enquiry send the same message as above ( PNR 1231234567) to 139 .This too is a paid service ( Rs3 in 2010 Jan).

Alternatively, you can send your PNR number as a message to 5676747. That is no need to prefix the PNR number with any letters. Just the 10 digit PNR in the SMS message will do.

The best of it all is provided by Google. Yes, Google!

Just send your 10 digit PNR number as the message ( only the 10 digits, and no prefixes) to 9773300000. You'll pay only the standard SMS charges.

PNR status by telephone (139):

You can dial 139 any here in India to get the current PNR status of the ticket, along with a a host of other train related enquiries. This service is available in English, Hindi and also in a number of regional languages.

Keep your 10 digit PNR number handy to enter it through the telephone.

PNR Status over internet:

You can visit one of the may Indian Railways websites to get the PNR status update. Enter the 10 digit PNR at the space provided.


Please check with the official sources for latest update/changes of these services ( .


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